Lately I’ve been reading more and more about how the majority of the population of the United States is deficient in magnesium.
All vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients are important to human health but some nutrients are major players in overall health. Magnesium is one of those key nutrients that, when in short supply, can cause big problems like high blood pressure, muscle cramps, muscle weakness and difficulty relaxing and/or falling asleep. A great resource for learning about magnesium and how important it is to our health is The Magnesium Miracle by Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D.
If you find yourself having a difficult time winding down and falling asleep or just as you start drifting off to sleep you get one of those crazy killer “Charlie Horse” leg cramps you might have a magnesium deficiency. Leg cramps and muscle weakness or two very common signs of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is also known to help control high blood pressure. Definitely talk to your doctor about the value of adding a magnesium supplement to your daily regimen.
After reading The Magnesium Miracle I did some research into magnesium and discovered Natural Calm Magnesium Powder by Natural Vitality. It really is the most amazing, natural “sleeping pill” ever made and there’s no toxic chemical brain fog hangover that so many conventional sleep aids leave you with. And it comes in several flavors…raspberry-lemon is my favorite.
Every night about an hour before bedtime I mix it up with about 8 ounces of warm water and sip it while I’m winding down for the night. Just the simple ritual of doing this every night (much like creating bedtime rituals for children) helps create a relaxing, stress free environment for falling asleep easily. Also try putting away the tech and read a book instead.
Just a note when mixing it up…be sure to follow the mixing directions…it foams up like crazy and spills over the top of the cup when you first add water. I recommend putting the powder in a mug and then add a very small amount of water to dissolve the magnesium. Once the foaming has subsided you can add the rest of the water. Also, be sure to start out slow when adding magnesium supplements to your diet; magnesium is known to be a stool softener (a helpful secondary effect if you’re troubled by constipation).
Photo credit: 123RF