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I’m a board certified Holistic Health Coach (AADP), Precision Nutrition Certified Exercise Nutrition Coach and Wellness Business Mentor.

Hi, I’m Debbie Wright,

I’ve had a life-long passion for all things health, wellness and nutrition. After a long successful career in the business world and retirement just a few years ahead of me I realized I definitely didn’t want to sit around living the usual “retirement life” so I created my game plan and threw myself into creating my “Act 2”, my retirement “career”. I went to nutrition school and became a CERTIFIED HEALTH AND NUTRITION COACH.

In the process of preparing for “retirement” I learned how to make LIFESTYLE CHANGE that sticks and created a brand new life for myself, and now I’m here to share what I’ve learned with you and help you create the life you’ve dreamed of having.

My mission is to share everything I know about nutrition, healthy living and lifestyle change with other women looking to make positive, lasting change in their lives.     

Eating unhealthy processed and packaged foods, lack of exercise, constant stress and a life that leaves you feeling like everyone owns your time but you, all take a huge toll on your body, mind and soul. I’ve learned that stress and lack of sleep has more to do with our physical well-being than most people realize.

As a veteran of nearly every diet that was ever popular, and a few that weren’t so popular, I know how it feels to be overweight and out of control, desperately wanting to lose weight and not being able to lose more than a few pounds before giving up and gaining it all back (plus a few extra pounds that weren’t there before I started).

What I didn’t know was just how much constant stress, lack of sleep and what I thought were “healthy” food choices had to do with my struggle.

It’s my goal to help you reduce stress, eat better, sleep better and feel vibrant, energized and in control of your life!

My weight has been a roller coaster ride my entire life. I went on my first diet when I was 8 years old. When I was 12 years old I joined Weight Watchers for the first of many attempts to lose weight.

At my highest weight I was always exhausted, beginning to have difficulty walking, and every joint and muscle in my body ached. That was absolutely the lowest point of my life.

I felt so broken and defective that I made the decision to have weight loss surgery. It seemed like the perfect solution, like it was the only choice left for me. It’s a decision that I alternately regret and am thankful for at the same time.

Weight loss surgery changed my life in ways I could never have imagined and I’ve accomplished goals I never thought possible but it’s an irreversible procedure and I can never go back, I can only keep moving forward. It has been a blessing and a curse at the same time.

It’s my goal to help you be happy and healthy and live the life you imagined for yourself!

MOVING FORWARD has meant making peace with the fact that weight loss surgery is not the solution I hoped it would be.

MOVING FORWARD has meant educating myself about lifestyle, proper nutrition and supplementation because one of the biggest realities of weight loss surgery is that you will spend the rest of your life dealing with nutrient deficiencies.

During my extensive research into nutrition and healthy lifestyles, and why it was still so difficult to lose weight AND KEEP IT OFF even after weight loss surgery, I discovered the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and earned my certification as a health coach and followed that up with a certification as a Precision Nutrition level 1 exercise nutrition coach.

At IIN I studied diet, lifestyle, nutrition and wellness from many of the world’s leading health and wellness experts and I learned how to take charge of my health in a world filled with unhealthy choices. At Precision Nutrition I studied biology, body type and how to fuel your body for maximum nutrition and energy…the keys for living your happiest, healthiest life.

Sign up for the FREE 10-DAY MORNING WALK CHALLENGE and see how much you can change in just 10 days!

Interested in working with me? Want to learn more about becoming a health coach or how you can share your passion for health and wellness? Got questions about weight loss surgery?  Contact me here.